July, Part Two

Words n’ Photo by Rich Terdoslavich (C) 2024.
2:33 am, the 19th of July. Should be heading to bed soon. Working on an illustration job for a client and did some work on some sequentials. Finished the digital coloring on the illustration job and a few hours later, will take a look at it, make some touch ups, and email it to the client. Illustration job for a film director. Have been working with film directors, lately. Have been enjoying drawing storyboards and illustrations in the film industry. I do both art and music for film. Also did music for theater. It’s a creative, collaborative process when you work with film directors. Contributing to their vision, but adding your creative spin on it.
Most directors give me the freedom to translate their ideas based on the written pages of a script. I enjoy it, because it challenges you to come up with the goods. There’s a scene in the script. A close up, a medium shot? What works best to connect one shot to the next? How many ways can you compose a close up shot? From which angle? The script will give you the feeling as to what to do. Always watch movies. Study how shots transition from one scene to the next. Same thing with comic books. Study the layouts, the arrangement of panels on a page. See how the story flows, visually, from panel to panel, page after page.
Still on the sequentials, fine tuning some panel shots. Met another client regarding a mural job and a FaceTime meeting with another client on customized jobs for kicks and Docs. Been pretty busy. No complaints. When it gets quiet, anxiety can kick in, so you just got to keep cool and keep pounding that pavement, keep networking and don’t stop. Put yourself out there. Promote. Keep yourself busy, network like hell.
Anything else? Just taking one step at a time. A/Cs are still on. Gotta keep cool from the heat outside. More has happened since the 19th. Will give you the updates in the next blog/newsletter. Stay cool and talk to you soon. G’night!